The Reef Boat Club is group of enthusiastic boaters hanging out in our snug clubhouse overlooking Meaford Harbour and the beautiful clear waters of Georgian Bay. Our mandate is wide reaching. We’re into parties, outstanding hosted and pot-luck dinners, BBQ’s, an active (award winning) racing fleet, organized cruises, winter activities, nautical talks and a general good time.
Check out our Facebook page here. Or our Flickr page here.
Crew Positions Open
Thank you for your interest in crewing with the RBC race fleet. Our skippers are always looking for help and this is a great opportunity to develop your sailing skills in a fun but competitive environment. Enthusiasm is more important than experience.
The Reef Boat Club runs a series of weekend races throughout the summer, mostly on Saturdays, and midweek races on Thursday evenings. Our skippers also travel to race at other events in Southern Georgian Bay. A complete schedule can be found on our Race Schedule page. Socials are held after some of the weekend races and you are welcome to attend as a guest of your skipper.
If you’re interested in crewing on one of our boats during our club races – send your contact info here and your info will be added to the crew list at the Clubhouse. -OR- show up at the skipper’s meeting.
Weekend Skippers’ Meeting is held at 11:45 at the RBC clubhouse (near the Coast Guard Station)
Thursday Evening Skippers’ Meeting is held on the pier just north of the Harbour Office at 6:00 PM
A few suggestions:
Wear soft soled shoes
Bring a windbreaker and some extra layers – it’s often a lot colder on the Bay
It’s preferable to bring your own PFD that fits you well
Sunscreen even when it’s cloudy – you can get cooked out there
Bring some water in a non-disposable bottle
GEORGIAN BAY is located NE of Lake Huron, one of Canada’s Great Lakes, and is separated from the main body of the lake by Manitoulin Island in the north and the Bruce Peninsula in the south. Georgian Bay is approximately 110 miles long in a NW-SE direction and approximately 48 miles wide at its widest point. The NE and north shores of the bay are broken up by inlets and fringed by many islands and shoals, whereas the SW side of the bay is generally deep and indented by several large bays. The maximum depth in Georgian Bay is approximately 92 fathoms (552 feet or 168 m) at a position off the Bruce Peninsula.